Local resources

MIND Monmouthshire are
offering advice and support to
the community online and over
the phone.
Email: iaa@mindmonmouthshire.org.uk
Phone: 01873 858275
Website: www.mindmonmouthshire.org.uk
Age Cymru are offering a free
check-in-and-chat telephone
service for over 70s in Wales
who live alone.
Phone: 08000 223 444
Email: enquiries@agecymru.org.uk
Website: www.ageuk.org.uk/cymru
The NHS One You website
provides tips and advice to
keep on top of your mental
Website: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou
Carers in Monmouthshire
feeling worried or anxious or
who may have questions about
their care role can contact
Carers Trust
Phone: 01495 769996
If you are worrying about the
impact of the Coronavirus on
all aspects of your money, The
Money Advice Service is a
useful starting point
Phone: 0800 138 7777
Monmouthshire Housing
tenants can
contact them for help and
Phone: 0345 677 2277
The Melin Homes advice team
can help tenants who are
worried about money during
this unsettling time.
Phone: 01495 745910
The Live Fear Free helpline can
provide help and advice on
domestic abuse matters.
Phone: 0808 80 10 800
Text: 07860 077333
Email: info@livefearfreehelpline.wales
Gwent Drug & Alcohol can
offer tips and support on
coping with self isolation or
limitation on getting alcohol.
Phone: 0333 9993577
Citizens Advice advisers are
available during the
coronavirus outbreak to provide advice
Phone: 0300 330 2117
Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/wales
Llamau’s Family Mediation Service are available by phone for young people and their parents. Phone: 07366 981083
Cyfannol are providing support remotely, via phone and email Phone: 01873 859011
Email: office@cyfannol.org.uk
Silver Line offer a telephone befriending service, with volunteers available to chat and provide information and advice Phone: 0800 4 70 80 90