Here you will find all updates about or relating to the Coronavirus in Monmouth. To use the site please navigate the menu above – or if on a mobile or tablet device press on the 3 horizontal lines underneath the logo.
Please check back regularly to keep yourself informed and check for new features.
Click here for document with all food deliveries available in Monmouth and surrounding areas.
Admin (Chris): So we’re back in lockdown for 2 weeks. I have updated a few things on the site but some things may be incorrect. If so please leave me a message on the Guestbook. There seems to still be quite a few people checking the site regularly and whilst i will do my best to keep information accurate, as far as i am aware the situation with most places is exactly the same as last time except for the non-essentials issues people are having.
Admin (Chris): Hello all. I apologise that updates have not been as frequent these past few weeks as with most things opening back up the amount of users visiting has declined dramatically. For me this has negated the need for meticulous day to day administration and i have focused my efforts elsewhere. If there is anything vital you think should be displayed on the website, or any incorrect information, please contact me via the Noticeboard.
I’d like to thank everyone who used the website at any point and it makes me very proud to say it received almost 40,000 hits during the first 2 months of the pandemic. I sincerely hope it was useful and aided the people of Monmouth in any way possible. The website will continue to stay up for the foreseeable as things still have the potential to get strange again.